Profile Picturebrookskim

20 Sketch Pencil Brushes

42 ratings
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20 Sketch Pencil Brushes

42 ratings

BrooksKim_Sketches_0331 version updated(240331)

  • The minimum size of the Pencil_2b brush has been adjusted to match the sizes of other brushes.
  • Conte_Soft Shader and Conte_Hard Shader brushes have been added.
    This is a brush that uses a pencil to paint shadows. You can paint shadows on larger surfaces more easily. (It is not included in the manual yet. I will update it in the near future. You can also download the existing version according to your preference.)
  • The Korean version of the manual and sketching process files (Brush manual_KR, Sketching Process_KR) have been updated. Since the content is the same as before, those who use the English version do not need to receive it.
  • For those who want to know more about the drawing process, we have added some artwork. (artwork_24Q1) You can see the drawing process through Procreate's time-lapse replay. (Artwork uploaded here cannot be copied, distributed or used commercially.)

Many people have already purchased it. I am always grateful. It may not be complete yet, but it is a carefully crafted brush set. And I am using this brush myself to draw my works and upgrading the brush little by little. You can see these works on my Instagram( and threads( If you have any questions or requests while using the brush, please leave a DM or email.

Please also rate Gum Road. thank you

BrooksKim_Sketches_0331버전 업데이트(240331)

  • Pencil_2b 브러시의 최소 크기를 다른 브러시들의 사이즈에 맞춰 조정했습니다.
  • Conte_Soft Shader, Conte_Hard Shader 브러시가 추가 되었습니다.
  • 연필을 눞혀서 그림자를 칠하는 형태의 브러시 입니다. 좀더 편하게 넓은 면의 그림자를 칠 할 수 있습니다. (아직 메뉴얼에는 포함 되어 있지 않습니다. 나는 머지않은 때에 업데이트 하도록 하겠습니다.아울러 기존 버전 역시 여러분의 기호에 따라 다운 받으실 수 있습니다.)
  • 한글버전의 메뉴얼과 스케칭 프로세스 파일(Brush manual_KR, Sketching Process_KR)을 업데이트 했습니다. 내용은 기존과 같기때문에 영문 버전을 사용하시는 분들은 받을 필요가 없습니다.
  • 드로잉 과정을 좀더 알고 싶은 분들을 위해 몇가지 아트웍을 추가했습니다.(artwork_24Q1) 프로크리에이트의 타임랩스 다시 보기를 통해 그리는 과정을 보실 수 있습니다. (여기에 업로드 되어 있는 아트웍은 개인적으로 복사 배포및 상업적으로 활용할 수 없습니다.)

벌써 많은 분들이 구매해 주셨습니다. 항상 감사한 마음입니다. 아직 완전하지 않을지 모릅니다.하지만 정성것 만든 브러시 세트입니다. 그리고 저는 이 브러시를 직접 사용하여 작품을 그리고 브러시를 조금씩 업그레이드 해가고 있습니다. 이 작품들은 제 인스타그램(과 쓰레드(에서 볼 수 있습니다. 브러시를 사용하시다가 궁금한 점이나 요청 사항이 있으시면 DM 이나 이메일을 남겨 주세요

굼로드 평점도 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다.

Photoshop version updated (240315)

I have uploaded the Photoshop version of the Sketch Brush. The file name is Sketches_Photoshop_0315. It's not complete so I'll probably do a few more updates in the future. If you feel inconvenienced or see something that needs to be improved while using it, please contact me by email.

Hello, I am illustrator Brooksie Kim. I am mainly active on Instagram and Threads and work on illustrations for game art and comics. Lately I've been focusing on portrait sketching in Pro Create. Every time I draw a piece, I think deeply and realize something. It didn't take me long to realize that the process of sketch drawing was not just a basic process for other products, but also a highly valuable independent artistic work. This brush pack is the result of my thoughts, and purchasing it means that you will continue to develop this art together with me in the future.

Products included in this package

  • 20 types of Procreate brushes specifically for sketching
  • Brush manual(PDF)
  • 6 Artworks (including Procreate’s time-lapse process)
  • Sketching process and brush usage(PDF)
  • 25 minute process video

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In this product I've included brushes and guides that can help you with your sketching. This is a lifetime product and there will be ongoing updates.

20 types of Procreate brushes specifically for sketching
This is the brush I actually use now. My work is continuously updated on my threads ( and Instagram ( Check for updates and draw with me
Brush manual
Detailed brush usage instructions and the brushes used in the artwork are indicated.
6 Artworks (including Procreate’s time-lapse process)
You can check out 6 artworks and the process involved.
Sketching process and brush usage
You can see the sketching process and how to use brushes in this document.
25 minute process video
A video showing the process of drawing with Procreate. It will actually be helpful in your work.
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